Thursday, December 14, 2006

magic miso

gingerbread makes you genkiAlain's out at the end-of-semester dinner for the French institute where he volunteers as an assistant teacher (it seems there is some professorhood in his future) and I just finished a very late supper but figured I must take the "before" pix of the gingerbread houses before it's too late and the boys layer them with candy and biscuits beyond recognition.

I stayed up into the wee hours this morning (okay, 1:30) finishing the construction phase and consequently had a splitting headache this morning when the doorbell woke me just before 8:00. It was my friend C, mom of the gingerbread boys, so I dragged her into the dining room to show her and then she hugged and kissed me silly.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked here. My post title refers to the fact that after class this morning I decided to make myself miso soup for lunch because of its supposed energy-giving powers, hoping it might help get me through work this afternoon and shopping (for an xmas party outfit) this eve. Well it worked! My headache, which had been taken care of by some Advil, never came back and I felt so genki (healthy) all eve, to the point where I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. But I am finally starting to feel tired now.

The Japanese diet is full of little health secrets like miso (and green tea) and these types of food miracles contribute greatly to the fitness and longevity enjoyed by the majority of Japanese. Unfortunately for the oceans, the other main reason is that fish is such a dietary staple (I just read an article that claims the average is 1/2 lb per day!). Though what with the pollutants out there, this choice has/will begin to be a detriment I imagine.

So I don't know if anyone out there actually found this omoshiroi (interesting) at all, it is just the ramblings of a genkina but tired gingerbread girl. Eat miso, feel genki!


Hi Carol,

You know, it's been a month or so I started using Miso too, and indeed gives energy. Jocelyne told me about it.

So, do we wait for gingerbread house pictures soon?

i love how much you used the word genki in this entry - it's one of my favourite words!!! i wish we used it in english!

"good morning - are you genki?"
"i'm very genki!"
"that's genki...i mean GOOD!"

*hee hee*

beautiful gingerbread town - reminds me of an old spaghetti western for some reason. gingerbread saloon!!!

happy ho ho days!
I absolutely love the gingerbread houses. You are such a genius! I'm definitely going to buy a trio of plane tickets now to send my kids to you. Where on earth did you learn to do that?
Carmen & Jacelyn:
Well I'm still feeling pretty genki, and in fact just had a little bowl of miso again with my (fish & rice) bento lunch! That should help me party into the wee hours tonight, though the big cheese will probably kick us out (or have his house staff do it) at a fairly decent hour.

Goddess (by the way, don't you love it when I call you that? heehee):
If I learned one lesson well in journalism school it was research, research and then research some more! Thanks for the compliments but the damn gingerbusiness was a hole lotta work. Of course I don't have 3 hungry little minds to worry about every day! PS: Can you e-mail me your street address? And I never got the halloween pix I requested. You better take a Christmas family portrait just for me, ok?
Genki very much for the info.. Hahahaha... And readers, don't forget to wish the author a very happy birthday!
Oh, it's true.

Be happy and healthy!
May all your wishes come true!!

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